the walks
Sunlight filtering through tall trees in The Walks in winter
The Walks is a fenced area of land bordered by Brill Common on one side, and the houses and gardens of Windmill Street, The Lawns, and Temple Street on the other three sides. It’s an area of mainly mature, well-spaced trees; quite different from the adjacent Common. We think that there was once a manor house in The Walks although nothing remains of this except a few lumps and bumps and the lovely park-like atmosphere. The tall trees are a distinctive landmark on the top of Brill Hill, visible from miles around.
The Walks was previously owned by Buckingham County Council - leading to a nagging worry on the part of the village that it might one day be developed. In 2015, Brill Parish Council bought The Walks, using council funds and private donations. Shortly afterwards it was designated and registered as a Village Green: “land on which a significant number of inhabitants of any area has indulged in lawful sports and pastimes, for 20 years, as of right”. Village green status gives strong protection against development, leaving The Walks to be freely enjoyed by residents and visitors.
When the parish council took ownership The Walks had been neglected for many years. A Walks Group was formed of interested individuals from a variety of backgrounds to manage the area on behalf of the parish council. The Group’s overarching aim was to maintain the amenity value of the area as a village green, whilst being mindful of the wildlife that shares this thriving habitat, including woodpeckers (both great spotted and green), owls, kites, jays, and many small songbirds and, near the pond, grass snakes and great crested newts.
A small flock of sheep grazes the area at managed intervals (the lambs are a spring delight!), trees have been mapped and desirable self-seeded saplings have been identified and protected, and additional carefully chosen trees planted. Wildflowers are gradually replacing the nettles in many places. The pond has been dredged and the surrounding willows controlled; even so, it is likely that the water level will rise and fall, according to the height of the water table - just as it has always done.
Horse Chestnut trees in full summer leaf in The Walks
Lambs in early spring sunshine on The Walks
The Walks Group is now incorporated into the Brill Common & Village Greens Advisory Group which draws up work schedules for each area. The Group organises working parties throughout the autumn and winter and everyone is welcome.
A detailed arboricultural survey was commissioned in 2015 to guide tree remedial and replacement work followed up, in 2023, by a tree condition survey. In 2022, a number of young trees were planted to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Looking forwards, an interpretation board and/or information leaflet might be useful for non-resident visitors (a Tree Trail maybe?) - and there’s been talk of making the walks more accessible for those with mobility issues and (rather controversially) creating a seasonal Winter Wonderland experience.
One thing is sure; The Walks will remain a very special green space, hidden in the heart of Brill.