Brill Windmill, January 2024

how to contact brill parish council


The Old Library, 19 Church Street, Brill, Bucks. HP18 9RT.

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The Old Library is in the old part of Brill Memorial Hall, accessed through the green door (the kitchen door). The door is usually unlocked during the day; come in and open the first door on your left. Bobs Damerell, the Parish Clerk, is in the office Mondays and Tuesdays, 9.30-11.30 am.

The Clerk is paid for 18 hours a week. They will endeavour to acknowledge all communications within 5 working days and will make a full response as soon as possible thereafter, in accordance with the urgency of the matter. If an answer or resolution is likely to take more than a week or so, they will keep you updated. The Clerk will involve councillors in addressing your concerns as appropriate but please remember that councillors are unpaid volunteers squeezing parish council duties around work and families. Please be assured that the Clerk and councillors will work as a team to respond as quickly as we can.

Brill Parish Council Privacy Notice


01844 335444 There is an answerphone out of office hours; please do NOT call the clerk on their private phone!

Email This is probably the best way to make contact.


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