Segment of 1:25,000 OS map centred on Brill village

Segment of 1:25,000 OS map centred on Brill village.

ABOUt Brill Parish Council

The Councillors

Brill Parish Council has been in existence since 1884. The council today consists of seven elected or co-opted councillors. Find more about the Councillors and our Clerk, Bobs Damerell.

When taking up office, the councillors each sign a Declaration of Acceptance whereby we agree to “duly and faithfully fulfil the duties of [the role] according to the best of my judgement and ability”. We also complete a Register of Interests, including disclosure of any pecuniary interests that may impact our service as councillors; Brill Parish Council Register of Interests is available on the Buckinghamshire Council website. On September 21, 2021, the parish council formally adopted Buckinghamshire Council’s Code of Conduct. This document will be reviewed every 12 months by Buckinghamshire Council to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

Meetings & Minutes

The Council meets on the third Tuesday of alternate months. There is no meeting in August. We usually meet in the Memorial Hall, near All Saints Church in Brill.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend our meetings. A short short period is set aside at the start of the meeting for you to comment on agenda items or other matters of Parish concern. The chairman may also invite you to comment during the meeting if you have particular interest or expertise on an item under discussion. If you cannot attend the meeting, please get in touch by email, phone or letter. We are very keen to hear your opinions and ideas for the future of the parish.

Read the agenda for the next meeting and minutes of past meetings. Note that minutes are ‘draft’ until agreed and signed at the next meeting.

Read our policies, annual reports and financial statements.

Read our e-newsletter. Follow Brill Parish Council on Instagram and Facebook. Read our Communication Policy - and let us know what you think!

Red brick exterior of Brill Memorial Hall against bright blue sky

Brill civil parish is part of the ward of Grendon Underwood. In the May 2021 local elections, Grendon Underwood returned three councillors to Buckinghamshire Council, our ‘primary council’. The councillor responsible for Brill is Michael Rand. Micheal often attends meetings of Brill Parish Council and we are very grateful for his interest and support.

Brill Parish Council is represented on the Haddenham & Waddesdon Community Board. Community Boards act as an interface between Parish Councils and other community-based organisations and Buckinghamshire Council. Read more about the Haddenham & Waddesdon Community Board.

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Getting involved made easy!

Your Voice Bucks is a new online space for public consultations, surveys and engagement activities happening in Buckinghamshire. Find out how to speak at a Bucks Council meeting, check the progress of the Local Plan for Buckinghamshire, nominate your favourite building for an award - and much more. No more “I didn’t know about that” excuses!!

parish council Duties & Powers

Like all parish councils, Brill Parish Council has considerable powers - but relatively few obligations in law. Here’s what we actually do - and here’s some things we’d maybe like to do - one day!

The Parish Council makes discretionary grants to community groups and organisations in line with Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972. If your organisation requires financial support, please read our terms and conditions and complete this form.

Compliments, Comments & Complaints

If you are unhappy - or particularly pleased - with any aspect of the work of Brill Parish Council, please email the Clerk or use the contact form. If we’ve done well, thank you for telling us. If we could do better, we will do our best to learn from your concerns.

The Parish Council has a formal Complaints Policy. Complaints regarding individual councillors should be directed to the Monitoring Officer at Buckinghamshire Council; please see our Policy for a step-by-step process for the management of these and other types of complaints. All complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days. If your complaint is relatively straightforward, the Clerk will deal with it and respond as quickly as possible. If they anticipate a delay (maybe to investigate further or consult a colleague) they will keep you updated.

Civility and Respect in Public Life

From the website of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC):

Civility and respect should be at the heart of public life and good governance is fundamental to ensuring an effective and well-functioning democracy at all levels. The intimidation, abuse, bullying and harassment of councillors, professional officers and staff, in person or online, is totally unacceptable whether that is by councillors, professional officers, staff or members of the public. We are committed to working together to promote civility and respect in public life, good governance, positive debate and supporting the well-being of councillors, professional officers and staff.

Read more about NALC’s Civility and Respect project. Brill Parish Council is committed to best practice in this area.


Accessibility and inclusivity

Our vision is that all Parish Council events, publications and services are welcoming, relevant and accessible to all parishioners. Read our Equality & Diversity Policy.

Accessibility includes this website; we want as many people as possible to be able to use it with ease and enjoyment. Read the Brill Parish Council Website Accessibility Statement and please tell us of any problems you encounter; use the contact form or call the Clerk on 01844 235444.