Brill Wellbeing
Brill Cricket Club 150 years old and going from strength to strength. Visit their Facebook Page.
Brill Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) Football, netball, basketball, tennis - whatever you fancy! Book your session - or just turn up.
Football Brill United Football Club (for over-16s) is doing well in the Oxfordshire Senior League Premier. Contact via Brill Sports & Social Club or Facebook. (There is also a thriving Brill United Youth Club.)
Touch Rugby The Brill Beavers play Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings during the summer.. Everyone welcome regardless of age or ability. Email Dave Downer.
Aunt Sally Traditional pub game played in teams of six. Players throw battens at a wooden dolly balanced on a plinth. All three Brill teams play in the Bicester league. New players welcome; enquire at BSSC or The Pheasant Inn.
Short Mat Bowls A long-established club meeting Mondays and Wednesdays, 2-4pm in the Memorial Hall. £2.50 per session. All equipment supplied. Call Audrey 01844 238416.
Aylesbury Ramblers Guided walks of varying lengths and difficulty throughout Aylesbury Vale and the Chilterns. Visit their website.
KaSo Studios Total body workout to music, Tuesdays, 6.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Visit the KaSo Studios website to find out more.
Table Tennis There’s an outdoor table tennis table adjacent to the Sports & Social Club. Bats and balls are supplied (ask in the Club if they’re not on the table). Just go along and play!
Use it or Lose it Gentle exercise for senior citizens. Wednesdays, 4.30pm in the Memorial Hall with Lesley Simpson, a clinical exercise specialist. Call Lesley on 07885 655122 to find out more.
Goju Ryu Karate Run by Simon Clinch. Thursday evenings, 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall for 16 years and above. Visit the Goju Ryu website to find out more or email Simon.
Mind & Body
Yoga for All Sue Garrett has been teaching in Brill for 20 years, mainly Hatha Yoga, with specialist Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs on an ad-hoc basis. Email Sue.
Run Talk Run Oakley aims to make running and mental health support less intimidating and more accessible. Mondays, 6.30pm by Oakley Village Hall. Run - and talk - at your own pace. Visit the RTR event page or email Ben Grey.
Pilates Classes in Brill THREE Pilates teachers offer classes in Brill on Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays, various time, all in Brill Memorial Hall. Email Emma, Molly or Rachel to find out more.
Bernwode Rural Shed Working, talking and drinking tea - and building a better community. Bernwode Rural Shed meets every Wednesday, 10.30am at 7 High Street. No membership, no fees, no committment. The group is part of the UK Men’s Sheds Association. Call Jason Beesley on 01844 238325 - or just turn up!
Memory Lane Café A special meet-up for sufferers of dementia and their carers; a warm welcome, coffee and cake, time to chat, and entertainment or special guests.. Every Monday, 11.30am in All Saints Church. Call Rev Gemma Beesley 01844 238325 to find out more.
The Personal Touch
Ian King Fitness 40 years’ experience with clients of all ages, one to one, small groups. A holistic approach; nutrition and sleep, as well as strength and endurance. Visit Ian’s website.
Becky Pykett Personal trainer offering weightlifting, strength training, weight loss and nutritional support, pre- and post-natal exercise. Also leads a workout class in Oakley. Email Becky.