Brill Parish Council Email Newsletter

Why a newsletter?

One of the guiding principles of Brill Parish Council is communication with all sections of the community. It’s relatively easy to reach people on Facebook and this website is steadily becoming a go-to resource for community. We’re slowly gaining Instagram followers - and we really enjoy chatting with parishioners out and about, including at the monthly Community Market. Even so, we’re aware that there are many people who fall outside these groups and this newsletter is one attempt to reach them.

Subscribing - and unsubscribing

Please complete the form below. You’ll receive the next issue of the newsletter. If you later decide you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click the ‘unsubscribe’ link that appears at the foot of each newsletter.

If you know someone who does not access this website but would like to receive the newsletter, ask them to email

If you know someone who is not online at all, please tell them that we also produce a printed version and this is displayed on the BPC noticeboard outside the Memorial Hall. Copies are also available at the back of Brill Church, in the pouch on the door of the Old Library (the BPC office), and in Brill shops and the doctors’ surgery.