ON TUESDAY September 17th 2024 aT 7.45PM


(draft until approved at next meeting)

Present: Cllr Springs, Cllr Slater, Cllr Tuffley, Cllr Judge (Chair) and seven members of the public were in attendance. 

No updates and questions were presented by members of the Public:

No questions were raised by the public. Members of the public were able to ask questions and make comments during the item on ‘Encroachment on North Hills’

024/022 1 Discussion on whether to co-opt for the last 6 months of the Council Term. 

  • Cllr Judge expressed his thanks to all applicants who put themselves forward for Co-Option and encouraged these to also stand for election onto the Parish Council in May 2025 regardless of the outcome of the meeting.

  • The Council confirmed that currently there is no official policy on Co-option for Brill Parish Council. Following research Cllr Judge confirmed that it is the practice of some other Parish Council’s not to Co-opt on to the Parish Council for the final few months of the term. Some have stated this in a Co-option policy.

  • Cllr Tuffley expressed that when the Council originally advertised for residents to put themselves forward for Co-option this was following the resignation of two councillors in August 2023 with nearly 2 years left of the Council term.

  • Cllr Tuffley expressed that this Parish Council is focussing on trying to complete the current open projects and not look to start new projects. The Council is also currently organising the administrative side of the work to ensure a smooth transition.

  • Cllr Tuffley stated her feeling of the importance of the need for a mandate from the village to serve on the Parish Council and co-opt only when absolutely necessary. 

  • Cllr Slater agreed stating that Co-option in her view is an undemocratic concept best avoided unless absolutely necessary. Cllr Slater also continued that it would be better use the remaining term to focus on the current projects and use the democratic method to determine who should be on the Council at the Local Election in May 2025. 

  • Cllr Springs expressed her support for co-opting new Councillors. She stated this would reduce the risk of meetings becoming inquorate. 

  • Cllr Springs also stated that those joining the Council in May 2025 may not go through an election should there be the same number or fewer applicants to the number of seats.

  • Cllr Judge brought the discussion to an end and raised the motion that ‘Brill Parish Council will co-opt new applicants onto the Parish Council in the final seven months of the term’

  • The Motion was defeated with Cllrs Tuffley & Slater voting against the motion and Cllr Springs voted in favour. Cllr Judge highlighted the strong feelings and abstained from the vote, having been co-opted himself onto the council. 

  • Following the vote Cllr Judge reiterated his earlier hope that the applicants would still put themselves forward for election in May 2025. Cllr Judge also expressed a desire to work closely with the applicants on any future Parish Council. 

2. Co-option of prospective Cllrs on to the Parish Council

  • This item was no longer required due to the resolution on Item 1

024/023 To receive apologies for absence

No apologies were received from members

024/024 To receive any declarations of interest

No Interests were declared by members

024/025 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2024.

Cllr Springs proposed accepting the minutes as a true record the meeting, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously approved

024/026 Finance: 

  • The Councillors received the monthly finance spreadsheet

  • The Council resolved to accept the 2024/25 Insurance Quote

023/027 Planning applications

Applications for review

Planning Ref 24/02485/ATC
28 Temple Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SX
T1 Silver Birch - Crown Reduce - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 1 metre. Ensure a good, natural shape and balance. G1 Willow x2 - Fell to ground level. T2 Holly - Fell to ground level. G2 Leyland Cypress - Fell to ground level. T3 Viburnum - Fell to ground level. T4 Holly - Fell to ground level. T5 Holly - Fell to ground level. T6 Holly - Fell to ground level. T7 Bay - Pollard/ Coppice tree at 1 metre from ground level. T8 Bay - Fell to ground level. Reason for the Work: The works are necessary because the trees have outgrown the space and are unsuitable species for the narrow garden, as they block out the light. Our client plans to remove these trees to allow for the replanting of more suitable species. 
PC Comments
Neutral – The Parish Council though expresses its disappointment at the loss of the number of trees and habitat this application is requesting 

Planning Ref 24/02326/APP
Badgers 38 The Lawns Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SN
Householder application for proposed first floor extensions to the rear and one and half storey extensions to the front 
PC Comments

Planning Ref 24/02432/ATC
Brill Memorial Hall Church Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RT
T1 Yew - Fell to ground level 
PC Comments
Application approved – For information. No Consultations requested by Buck Council

Planning Ref 12/A1753/DIS
Hybanks North Hills Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TH
Application for approval of details subject to Conditions 3 4 (materials) 5 (planting) 6 (Landscape) of planning approval 12/01753/APP 
PC Comments

Planning Ref 24/02168/APP
19 High Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9ST
Householder application for single storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear dormer and front roof light 
PC Comments

024/028 Communications Database

To review the recent communications

  • Zip Line – The Council following a report from a member of the public regarding the lack of tension on the zip wire. The Council resolved to contact Discovery to fix the zip line.

  • Accessibility to the Church – Cllr Springs enquired about the possibility of extending the path from the church across the village green to meet the pavement in order to improve accessibility for all residents. The Council considered the request and suggested sourcing quotes for a path and type of surface and to check the legal status of installing a path on the Village Green.

  • French Drains – The Parish Council confirmed its agreement for the installation of French drains under the Common as a flood defence to the property on the Chapman’s Lane Crossroads. The resident has confirmed that the Common will be reinstated to its original state after the completion of the works

024/029 Hartwell’s Barn Project

  • Due to the late hour the Council was updated briefly by the Chair of the Brill Society that the contract has been sent and is currently with the landowner.

  • Both solicitors have been going through this in detail. The has been drawn up but will only be considered and signed at the exchange of contracts.

  • The Council expressed its thanks to Brill Society for the perseverance and hard work to secure Hartwell’s Barn and Saunders Field.

  • The Chair of the Brill Society also updated the Council that he has met with Directors of the Lottery Heritage Fund. He will also soon be to take through the process for application form for future funding but it was unclear to the council what the application would be for and Cllr Slater expressed a desire to discuss the intended application further with the Brill Society and understand better how it would link in with our current heritage application for a Wildlife Ranger to ensure that both applications are well thought through and complement each other.

024/030 King George V Field update

To receive an update on the King George V Field

  • Parish Council was sad to note the recent vandalism on the playing field, to both one of the benches and a picnic table

024/031 Bucks Energy opt in

To confirm the Council’s decision to opt in Energy Contract regarding the street lights in the village.

024/032 The Common 

To receive an update on the Common including:

  • Feedback from BVCAG – Cllr Slater updated the Council on the main points of the most recent BVCAG meeting:

  • Walks Committee disbandment – The Parish Council notes that the Walks Committee have made the decision to disband and the Council expressed its thanks the Committee for its hard work over the years.

  • Ranger Application: Cllr Slater has progressed through to the second stage for the application for the Ranger. Cllr Slater re-iterated the requirement for the Parish Council to provide match funding in support of the application. Cllr Tuffley proposed approving the request to Match fund 10% of the precept per year over a five-year period. This was seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously approved.

  • Cuckoo Farm – Following investigation of a possible encroachment of stones being placed on the Common the Council initiated the Encroachment Policy by sending a letter to residence in question.

  • Fly Tipping – The Clerk raised this with Bucks Council and enquired with Street Scene as to whether they would be willing to remove the Fly tipping and invoice the Parish Council. No response has yet come through. Cllr Springs to make an enquiry with a contact within Bucks Council.

  • Easement – Easement required under Local Government Act 1972 in order to have vehicular access across the Common. The new property being constructed on South Hills may require an Easement. The Clerk has contacted the owner of the property and will contact them again following the meeting.

  • Encroachment on the Common

    • A number of residents enquired about how the Council had followed its Encroachment Policy and were confused and disappointed not to have been informed about the decision prior to the encroachment being removed in order to have the opportunity to appeal the decision.

    • Cllr Slater clarified the actions carried out by the Council as set out in the May 2024 Parish Council Minutes. 

    • Cllr Slater confirmed that the original request to repair the track was received by the Parish Council in November 2023. This stated a desire to fill the current potholes causing problems on the track. The Parish Council considered and approved the request and pledged £250 towards this work. The area of encroachment was not part of the original request. However, the Parish Council, accepted this encroachment was done in error and not a malicious act, but acted to restore the area which had not been part of the original request.

    • The primary reason for a letter not being sent to individual residents was that as this encroachment did not relate to a single property, there was not a direct residence to which the letter could be sent. 

    • The Councillors accepted that the encroachment was carried out in good faith and not an intentional act to cause encroachment. Rather than attributing blame to any one person the Council felt it best to remove the Encroachment

    • The letter was to also inform that there would be disruption not an accusation of an individual of encroachment. The Council accepted that this letter could have been sent sooner.

    • Cllr Slater explained that the Parish Council has a statutory responsibility to protect the Common from encroachment

    • A resident stated that on this section of land was a house between 9 North Hills and the Graft House and it is still possible to see where the roof line was even following its demolition. Additionally the resident stated their greatest concern was the treatment of Paul Godwin as he is known to be a considerate and hard-working, resident who would not have acted unless there was a legitimate reason. 

    • Another resident felt at the time it was an aggressive act to turn up with the digger. Subsequent discussions with the Parish Council have mollified this view and appreciate the chance to have dialogue and be able to move forward positively and amicably.

    • Cllr Judge said it was accepted that there are lessons to be learned from this case, as it was a more unusual situation than a resident simply extending their own boundary. This has been taken on board by the Council: should another similar situation arise, for example, track re-surfacing on other areas of the Common, there should be a clear documented scope of work agreed in advance.  

    • Cllr Judge also restated that it is the Council’s responsibility to ensure the protection of the Common and to balance the requirements of the common and the use of public funds. It is the Council’s opinion that all actions from both the Parish Council and residents are done in good faith, and that in carrying out its decision the Council followed professional advice from Bed, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) on how to best resolve this situation. 

    • Cllr Judge ended the item by thanking all those that took part in the conversation and it was time to draw the matter to a close. 

024/033 Road & Traffic

To receive an update on the current projects in the Parish

  • The Council extended its thanks to Alison Poland and Bucks Council for the installation of bollards outside the Memorial Hall, completing a project first started in 2011.

  • SiDs -  Following recent thefts of Speed Indicator Signs / batteries and vandalism in the local area, Cllr Judge contacted Truvelo to install additional security measures.

  • Memorial Hall Car Park - The Clerk has asked Rob Timms to secure the parking sign on the Memorial Hall car park as this has fallen off.

  • Installation of EV charging points – Cllr Judge updated that a supplier has been chosen to install the charge points, but the process is still going through the contract process, which is estimated to be complete in October 2024. The tentative target date for installation has been advised as is July 2025.

  • Memorial Hall car park resurfacing - Cllr Judge to contact Alison Poland to obtain quotes to resurface the Village Hall carpark with new drainage.

  • Village Signs - The Parish Council approved the cost of the new signs which have been confirmed as being classified as low cost (£0 - £5,000)

024/034 Parish Council Meeting Frequency Trial

To review the success of the trial to reduce the frequency of Parish Council meetings

  • The motion was raised to continue the two month meeting frequency with additional Working Together meetings if required was put to the Council. The motion was carried with Cllrs Slater and Tuffley in support, Cllr Springs opposed and Cllr Judge abstaining


Meeting closed at 21:56

024/034 Income & Expenditure

June 2024 Income

Interest £23.95

Interest £0.01

Interest £7.73

Transfer from Closure of Santander Account £27,090.12

Bucks Council - Devolved Services Payment £1,891.12

June 2024 Payments

Bucks Council – Bins £129.45

Phillipa Tawn - BWU English Lessons £650.00

Phillipa Tawn - BWU English Lessons £650.00

Rob Timms – Bins £105.00

Squarespace – Website £6.62

Canva - Annual Sub for online posters / posts etc £100.00

BT – Utilities £89.96

E Springs - Stob padlock £21.00

Hannah Hulme – Website £200.00

N Misselbrook – Plants £160.00

Playsaftey - Play Area Inspection £170.40

J Tuffley - BWU Expenses £80.00

J Tuffley - BWU Expenses £21.90

Drax - Street Light £162.16

July 2024 Income

Interest £0.01

Brill Sports & Social - Weed & Feed 50% contribution £225.00

July 2024 Expenditure

R Damerell - Clerk Salary £1,098.37

HMRC - PAYE £41.99

Jane Varney - Hustings Refreshments £250.00

Brill Memorial Hall - Hall Hire £75.00

Bucks Council - Bins £33.50

Rob Timms - Bins £135.00

Squarespace - Website £6.62

L Springs - Annual Parish meeting Expenses £53.39

Tim Patrick - Tractor Diesel (Walks Mowing) £37.80

DE & BE Philllips - Weed & Feed £540.00

Phillipa Tawn - BWU English Lessons £760.00

Gordon Govier - Harris Close Strimming £25.00

Trade & DIY - Bench £396.29

BT – Utilities £89.96

Brill Youth United - Section 137 Grant £590.52

Hannah Hulme - Website £200.00

Drax - Street Light £156.96

Aspire - Grass Cutting £528.00

R Damerell - Clerk Salary £1,098.37

HMRC – PAYE £41.99

R Damerell - Printer Ink £35.97

August 2024 Income

Interest £0.01

UKPN - Wayleave £220.05

August 2024 Expenditure

Bucks Council – Bins £36.40

HP - Ink £11.99

Squarespace – Website £6.62

BT – Utilities £89.96

Drax - Street Light £162.16

BBOWT - Common Consultation £561.00

BVCH Q1 Payment £765.00

Tim Patrick - Diesel Oil £36.12

Hannah Hunter – website £200.00

M Cherry - Common Repair £150.00

R Damerell - Clerk Salary £1,098.37

BVCH Q2 Payment £765.00

R Timms – Bins £105.00