November 16, 2021
Present: Cllr Dickinson (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Keeping, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, Cllr Tuffley and 9 members of the public.
021/187 There was an apology for absence from Cllr Rand. Michelle Daly’s resignation was formally noted.
021/188 There were no declarations of interest.
021/189 The minutes of the previous meetings of 19 October 2021 were approved. Proposed by Cllr Hulme Hunter and seconded by Cllr Keeping. Unanimous with 1 abstention.
021/190 Planning applications
21/04028/APP – Brill
Wicket House 30 Temple Street Brill HP18 9SX
Householder application for proposed single storey rear/side extensions.
Two storey side extension and loft conversion.
No objections
21/04342/APP – Brill
32 Brae Hill Brill HP18 9TF
Variation of Condition 2 (plans) and removal of condition 4 (bats) relating to application 21/02297/APP (Erection of two storey rear and side extensions, access deck and rooflights to rear, porch to front and move bathroom window from side to front elevation)
No objections
21/04143/APP - Brill
9 Brae Hill Close Brill HP18 9TE
Demolition of bungalow and erection of two storey dwelling and home office in rear garde
The house as planned is out of keeping with the aesthetics of the street scene.
What is the purpose of the 5-bar gate, as the landowner already has access for maintenance and has used this access recently?
Also of concern if vehicular access is granted is that the proposed driveway gives unprecedented access to environmentally valuable land and a wildlife corridor.
We don’t understand why there is provision for two additional parking places at the back given that there is adequate parking at the front.
We note an implication of increased traffic in a quiet cul-de-sac where children play.
The annexe poses potential privacy issues and the flat roof design is out of keeping with the rest of the close.
21/04309/APP - Brill
Springfield Cottage North Hills Brill HP18 9TH
Householder application for demolition of conservatory and entrance/WC lean-to extension. Erection of single storey rear and first floor side extensions - Amendment to planning permission ref: 19/04274/APP relating to roof design.
No objections
21/04358/APP - Brill
6 High Street Brill HP18 9ST
Householder application for demolition of single storey rear extension.
Erection of single storey rear extension, internal changes including basement. Amendments to roof, rear windows and front door.
No objections
021/191 The Council’s Standing Orders
Cllr Dickinson proposed a sub-committee to include the Clerk to review, and amend where necessary for Brill PC, the NALC (National Association of Local Councils) template.
Seconded by Cllr Springs and passed unanimously.
Cllr Dickinson, Cllr Tuffley and the Clerk to form the sub-committee.
Cllr Dickinson proposed as an immediate issue a ‘preferred supplier’ mechanism for specialist work in the Walks, Windmill etc. to assess annually. This was noted and will be confirmed as part of the Standing Orders review.
021/192 The Common
Cllr Slater reported a meeting with Belinda Bown from FWAG (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group) who had last reported on the Common in 2011. Although she thought the Common was in good condition the Council is in breach of its current stewardship agreement in a number of ways. Cllr Slater advised that the Council commission an in-depth management plan to analyse what has been done, what hasn’t been done, and plan for the future.
Cllr Keeping questioned whether FWAG is the right organisation as their emphasis is on farming. Cllr Springs suggested clearer information was required on the various report options and consequent prices. Cllr Dickinson agreed that more specific information was required including possible other third parties.
It was agreed that:
Cllr Slater asks FWAG to quote on a formal proposal which would include a plant species survey, an assessment of the Common since the 2011 report, a soil analysis, a management plan identifying key areas for improvement, and advice on future grant opportunities.
A Task and Finish Group be set up to explore alternative visions for the Common and how the Common might be stewarded into the future; also to examine how Council informs itself about the future of the common with the involvement of the village. Cllr Keeping, Cllr Slater and Cllr Springs to comprise the Group.
021/193 Brill Village Community Herd
After discussion based on the contents of an email from BVCH's solicitor of 12 November, the Council concluded that BVCH have no real interest in settling the matter through arbitration. Cllr Dickinson reiterated his position that there is no valid reason for the council to pay BVCH's legal fees. He therefore suggested that the council take no further action. Cllr Springs suggested that a letter should be sent to BVCH to explain why the Council is not offering to pay any of their legal fees.
Cllr Tuffley then proposed that the Council completely cease further communication. This was seconded by Cllr Dickinson and passed with 2 abstentions.
021/194 Communication and Consultation
Deferred to a future meeting due to time constraints.
021/195 Environment and Amenities
Deferred to a future meeting due to time constraints.
021/196 Oakley PC community bus service to Bicester
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed support for the Oakley-Brill-Bicester bi-monthly bus service to cover any shortfall to a maximum liability of £300 per annum.
Seconded by Cllr Tuffley and passed unanimously.
021/197 Permission request.
Possible additional parking on the Green for Sports and Social Christmas Market on 12/12/21 from 12-7pm.
No objections.
021/198 Receipts and Payments
Approval was proposed by Cllr Tuffley and seconded by Cllr Slater. Passed unanimously.
November Payments
Aspire {grass-cutting} 528.00
Rob Timms {bin emptying and repairs of salt bin and notice board} 200.00
BT 52.74
N Power {street lighting} 98.31
Buckinghamshire Council {waste} 29.50
Clerk salary 650.00
Memorial Hall {rent and hall hire} 164.33
BMKALC {[publications} 10.00
BMKALC {communication courses} 90.00
BMKALC [planning course} 60.00
BVCH {quarterly payment} 600.00
Clerk expenses {Wifi keyboard} 24.94
Cllr Hulme Hunter {Polls for Pages sub.} 76.00
Oxford Oak Tree Surgery (Walks) 840.00
November Receipts
Gigaclear 7070.70
Date of next meeting: 21 December 2021 at 7.45 in Brill Memorial Hall.