May 17th, 2022
Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, Cllr Keeping and 5 members of the public.
022/001 Appointment of Chair
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed Cllr Tuffley as Chair of the Parish Council, Cllr Keeping seconded and was unanimously agreed by the Council
022/002 Appointment of Vice Chair
Cllr Slater Proposed Cllr Hulme Hunter as Vice-Chair , Cllr Keeping seconded and was unanimously agreed by the Council
022/003 To receive apologies for absence.
No apologies were received
022/004 To receive any declarations of interest.
No Interests were declared
022/005 Co-option of Steven Judge
The Parish Council unanimously agreed to co-opt Steven Judge onto the Parish Council
022/006 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2022.
The Minutes of the meeting of the 15 March 2022 were unanimously approved.
022/007 Planning applications
22/01335/APP – BRILL
44 Windmill Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TG
Change of use from residential (C3) to holiday let accommodation
No Objection
22/01615/AGN – BRILL
Land Adjacent To The Spans Brill Buckinghamshire
New agricultural barn
No objection
22/01229/APP - BRILL
Brillbury Hall Farm Chapmans Lane Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TN
Variation of condition 2 (Materials to be used in the development shall be as
indicated on the approved plans) attached to planning permission
13/00657/APP (Single storey side and rear extension, two storey extensions
to the south west elevation, new dormers to side and rear, replacement porch
and extension to detached 4bay garage block and basement under rear
extension. (Amendment to planning permission 12/01240/APP) The approved
drawings to be amended to include drawings numbered 11072/P07b, P08a,
P09a, P10a and P11a in lieu of originally approved drawings numbered
11072/P07a, P08, P09, P10 and P11
No objection
022/008 Playing Field Request
Following a request from Bruern Abbey School to rent facilities on the Playing Field, Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed the Parish Council make a decision on this request once Bruern Abbey has discussed this matter with the Brill Primary School. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley and agreed by the Council
022/009 MUGA Payment
Cllr Tuffley proposed to pay the invoice for the MUGA, seconded by Cllr Keeping and was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.
022/010 BBOWT
Cllr Slater circulated the BBOWT report written by Alex Cruickshank on the Common to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. Alex Cruickshank from BBOWT will receive questions regarding the report from Cllrs via email over next few weeks and then the report will be shared with all groups working on the Common for further discussion. Alex Cruickshank will also give a talk on Common Land and meet with all groups and parishioners at the annual Parish meeting on 24th May and answer any questions.
022/011 The Common
Cllr Tuffley proposed £2,000 as an initial spending limit towards the registering of the Common. This limit can be reviewed at future meetings. The Clerk to contact Edward Harris Solicitors to establish the run down of costs so far.
022/012 Grass Cutting in the Parish & Village Tidiness
Cllr Springs updated that she, Cllr Slater and the clerk met with Aspire to review the current contract. This was to amend the contract to review the current areas in the Parish which could be identified possible sites to avoid cutting and allow to grow wild in a managed way. These would be under constant review and could be amended. The clerk to send to Cllrs the draft contract when it has been received.
022/013 Brill with Ukraine
Cllr Tuffley updated on the work Councillors are currently doing in the village to support Ukrainian refugees coming into the area. There has been a lot of support through Bucks Council. There is a fortnightly meeting to establish any further assistance can be provided.
022/014 Mobile Cafe
Following a presentation on the Mobile Café, Cllr Tuffley proposed agreeing in principal for the Mobile Café on the Common following the drafting of a License agreement. This was seconded by Cllr Keeping and agreed to be added to the next agenda once the License Agreement has been drafted.
022/015 Gigaclear Inspection Chamber
The clerk updated that the cables in the Chamber have been moved. The clerk to chase to ensure the chamber is moved.
022/017 Platinum Jubilee
Cllr Springs proposed granting a maximum of £300 to the Jubilee committee. This was seconded by Cllr Tuffley. This was passed by three votes in favour and two abstensions.
022/018 Tree Planting Project
Cllr Slater updated that the majority of the trees are free from the Woodland Trust other than a number which have been purchased by the Brill environment Group. Cllr Keeping suggested consulting the residents whose houses back onto the playing field over the location.
Cllr Springs proposed to formally apply for 60 trees to be planted on Parish Council managed land. This is caveated by an offer to residents if not all trees can be planted that these are offered to residents to be planted on private land.
022/019 Grants
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed adopting the new form for any organisation requesting funding from the Parish Council. Cllr Slater seconded and it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed approving the donation from the Parish Council to the Brill Society for £2,000 for 2021/22 and £2,000 for 2022/23. This would be towards the maintenance of the windmill. Cllr Keeping seconded the proposal and it was unanimously agreed by the Parish Council.
022/020 Community Bulletin Boards
Cllr Hume Hunter proposed 3 sites for village noticeboards (The playing field by the alleyway near Temple Street, The Firs adjacent to Lime Tree House. The Parish Council will also be given a "bare license" by Fairhive Homes (formerly Aylesbury Vale Housing) to enable us to erect a bulletin board on their land at the entrance to Brae Hill Road.). This was seconded by Cllr Slater and was unanimously agreed.
Cllr Keeping suggested checking with Bucks Council if a license was required in the Conservation Area.
022/021 Dog Waste
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed moving two of the dog bins (one by the church further to the fence and by the Playground closer to the fence and by the Windmill moved towards and into the mound).
022/022 Dropbox
It was agreed to keep Dropbox as online storage for Parish Council files. It was also agreed to look in to another online space to share documents. This item to be moved to a future Agenda.
022/023 Parish Council Liaisons (BMH)
Cllr Springs agreed to become the liaison to the Brill Memorial Hall
022/024 Receipts and Payments
May Payments
Aspire – Grass Cutting £528.00
R Damerell £535.60
HMRC £126.40
Brill Memorial Hall – Fire Alarm £3,809.30
BT £57.76 (DD)
NPower £96.77 (DD)
Bucks Council – Bin collection £36.90 (DD)
May Receipts
Interest £8.89
Appendix : Questions and comments from the public
No members of the public were present at this meeting