ON Tuesday January 17th AT 7.45PM
Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge, Cllr Slater and 1 member of the public.
022/099 To receive apologies for absence / Acknowledgment of the resignation of Cllr Keeping.
The Parish Council accepted the resignation of Cllr Keeping from the Parish Council. The Council expressed its thanks to Cllr Keeping for his commitment and service to the Council. Apologies were received for Cllr Hulme Hunter
022/100 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Slater declared an interest in the Grant being requested from Bucks Council for Teaching English as a Foreign Language as part of Brill with Ukraine
022/101 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2022.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record of meeting.
022/102 Planning applications
Planning Ref 23/00002/CPL
Address 9 Temple Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SU
Proposal Certificate of lawfulness for proposed Installation of solar panels
Comments Deadline N/A
Parish Council Decision For Information only
023/116 Standing Orders
Cllr Tuffley updated that the amendments suggested have been added to the Standing Orders. Cllr Tuffley has asked all Councillors to check through the Standing Orders and assess the changes. It was agreed for the final draft to be signed off between the meeting and to be uploaded to the website.
022/117 Adoption of Encroachment Policy
Cllr Springs proposed adopting the Encroachment Policy. It was agreed for it to be classed as a working document in line with the Council’s other policies. Cllr Tuffley seconded this and the policy was unanimously agreed.
022/118 Road & Traffic
The Speed Indicator Devices have been delivered to the office. The next step is to attend the training on installing and using the devices. The Community Board are due to update about dates for training. The Council also need to erect two further poles for the new signs.
The Brill Society is currently drafting a new design for the sign to replace the vandalised village sign. Cllr Judge suggested the Parish Council takes its time with the signs to ensure it is done correctly, as they will be in place for many years.
The temporary parking sign for the Memorial has not met with any negative feedback. It was agreed for Cllr Springs to bring the suggested new permanent parking sign design to the next Village Hall Committee meeting. Cllr Judge to ask the Local Area Technicial to install a new parking sign on the lamppost by the entry to the allotments, to direct cars to the Memorial Hall car park .
More than 100 people have signed in support of having work done to discourage inconsiderate parking on the Windmill Street / Temple Street junction . Cllr Judge to meet with Cllr Hulme Hunter and submit the proposal to Bucks Council after April 2023. Cllr Judge to add in to the Case submission to take into consideration the knock on effect on parking in the immediate area such as the Brill Hill / Windmill Street corner.
023/119 Budget
Following robust discussion, the Parish Council resolved to adopt the draft Budget for 2023/24
023/120 Precept
Cllr Tuffley proposed submitting a precept request of £50,792.50 representing a 10% increase in line with inflation. This was seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously agreed.
023/121 Communications Database
Cllr Slater updated that she had been approached by a resident about the entrance to the King George V playing field adjacent to GS Mechanical. The area has become excessively muddy due to the extra rainfall. In addition, the Council has also received a letter from a resident expressing concern about the mud around windmill side entrance to the Walks. The issue was discussed in detail but the Council resolved to not take any action in regards to the mud.
Cllr Tuffley updated the Council that Ross Tackley has obtained a grant from Bucks Council for TEFL lessons for Ukrainian refugees as part of Brill with Ukraine. These are designed as more intense lessons for Ukrainian refugees to help them to obtain employment. The grant will fund the lessons up until March 2023.
022/122 Receipts and Payments
January 2023 Payments
Rob Timms – Bins / Play Area Fence £555.00
Gordon Govier – Play Area Fence / Walks Fence £360.00
Robert Damerell – Clerk Salary £856.61
HMRC – PAYE £210.08
Sports & Social – Defib Grant £400.00
Jennifer Tuffley – Brill with Ukraine expenses £30.00
Bucks Council - Bins £28.22
January 2023 Receipts
Interest £5.83
A short confidential session followed the conclusion of the public meeting.