brill clubs, groupS & charities (page 2)
Brill Village Community Herd (BVCH)
”England’s first community-owned grazing co-operative” - now, there’s something to be proud of! The Parish Council receives a grant from Natural England to support the project and BVCH manage the herd. Read BVCH’s annual report. For animal emergencies, contact herd warden, Mandy Gough on 07580 000349.
Brill Common Volunteers
The Volunteers meet fortnightly to carry our crucial work on the common in line with work schedules produced by the Brill Common & Village Greens Advisory Group. New helpers always welcome. Read the Common Volunteers’ annual report.
Friends of Brill Common
Formed in 2007 and working hard ever since to support BVCH and help keep our common the special place we all enjoy. A stalwart member of the Brill Common & Village Greens Advisory Group. New helpers always welcome. Read the FOBC’s annual report.
The Windmill Players
“Amdram” doesn’t do this group justice. Innovative, brave - and very talented.
Brill Playground Committee
A lively group charged with raising money for two exciting new play areas adjacent to Brill Playing Fields. The work is now completed so … what next?
Bernwode News
The bible for Brill Parish and other parishes of the Bernwode Benefice. Published monthly and packed with events, small ads, local services, church news, gardening, farming and much more. Buy a copy in one of the shops today. Toby Glover is Brill's distributor.
Royal British Legion
There are two highlights in the RBL year: November 11 - and the wonderful Brill Village Fete on August Bank Holiday. Read the British Legion’s annual report.
Brill Show
Annual flower and produce show usually held in mid-September. The prize for the tallest sunflower is particularly strongly contested.
ACB’s Jubilee Flag
Age Concern Bernwode Transport
Transport for Bernwode residents to hospitals, clinics and surgeries (including Brill). £8 donation and parking costs (free within Brill). New volunteer drivers always welcome. Visit ACB’s website.
Brill Oldies Radio
Brill Oldies has been off-air for a couple of years due to the pandemic and fire damage. Now getting going again, playing classics from the 60s to 90s; listen out for test broadcasts on 1047 FM or online
Bernwode Lunch Club
A two-course meal and friendly company for retired people living in Bernwode Benefice. Served in Brill Memorial Hall, cost £5. 2022 dates: June 14, Sept 13, Oct 11, Nov 8, Dec 13.
Brill Environment Group (BEG)
A local group that celebrates and nurtures Brill’s wonderful natural environment. The Group’s objectives focus on education and advice, complementing those of its sister organisation Brill Climate Action Group. Read BEG’s annual report.