Brill Parish Council Biodiversity Policy
Brill Parish Council has an important leadership role to play in creating a sustainable community environment where biodiversity can thrive.
We recognise our existing and future responsibilities both to conserve and promote biodiversity and to take positive action through innovation in the management of open spaces and verges, as well as conservation of our natural areas.
We will strive to lead by example in positively managing the village’s treasured and unique habitats.
About biodiversity
Thriving biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems are essential for our survival and wellbeing and biodiversity losses are unprecedented.
Biodiversity is the collective term for the variety and abundance of forms of life found in an area, including animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms like bacteria. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems to maintain, balance and support life.
Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive including, food, oxygen, clean air and clean water.
What the Council will do to promote biodiversity
The Parish Council will, as far as is possible, conserve and promote the biodiversity of the land it manages. It will adopt beneficial practices with regarding to cutting and removal of vegetation, application of chemicals, and timing of maintenance work. Special care will be taken in the specification of grounds maintenance contracts to ensure that the work, whilst reaching acceptable standards, does not harm the natural environment.
The Parish Council will work in partnership with other organisations to protect, promote and enhance biodiversity within areas of the parish.
The Parish Council will, wherever possible, raise public awareness of biodiversity issues as part of its leadership role within the local community.
The Parish Council will involve the community in promoting biodiversity and living areas on its land including, for example, tree planting, developing living areas and wilding areas.
The Parish Council will communicate information and raise awareness of biodiversity through its website and newsletters.
The Parish Council, when commenting on planning applications, will support site and building design that benefits biodiversity through the conservation and integration of existing habitats or provision of new habitats. It will support protection of sensitive habitats from development and will consider whether the development would mean the loss of important habitats for wildlife in respect of all applications.
Policy written by Cllr Hannah Hulme Hunter August 2022
Adopted as Brill Parish Council policy September 2022
For Review September 2023
A summary of our obligations prepared by Aspire, September 2023