if you need helP (page 3)
Brill Church of England
Please feel free to call our Rector, Gemma, or Associate Minister, Jenny, if you want to discuss a personal or spiritual problem - or just need to talk to someone in confidence. Their contact details are on the Bernwode Benefice website.
Age Concern Bernwode
Volunteer transport to hospitals, clinics and surgeries (including Brill) for residents within Bernwode Benefice. Donation of £5 per return journey (free within Brill) plus parking costs.
Bernwode Lunch Club
A two-course meal and friendly company for retired people living in Bernwode Benefice. Usually served in Brill Memorial Hall. (Transformed into Brill Stay at Home Meals during Covid.)
Brill Church of England Educational Endowment (BCEEE)
Grants for former pupils of Brill School for books, IT equipment, educational visits, uniform, tuition - or anything else needed for educational or training purposes in later years.
Social Care Emergencies
To report abuse call 01296 387021
For out-of-hours emergencies call 0800 9997 677
For housing emergencies call 0800 999 7677
The Alice Carter almshouses; built 1591, rebuilt 1842 and 1963
Alice Carter Charity
Funded by allotment rents and income from investments, Carter’s Charity (its official name) offers financial support to “deserving widows and spinsters” in the parishes of Brill, Boarstall, Honeyburge, and Oakley.
Sexual Assault & Abuse Support Service (Aylesbury Vale & Milton Keynes)
Support, information, advice and guidance to anyone affected by sexual assault and abuse, including non-recent and childhood sexual abuse. Call 01296 392468 (leave a voicemail and we’ll call you back as soon as we can), send an email to support@avmksaass.org.uk, or fill in a referral form.
Many parents feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the stresses of family life. Carefully selected Nest volunteers support ordinary parents in Aylesbury Vale who are going through extraordinary times.
Carers Bucks
Support for unpaid carers and young carers in Bucks aged 5 to 95+. Advice, information, emotional support, workshops and training. Call 0300 777 2722 or visit the website.