ON TUESDAY May 21st 2024 aT 7.45PM


(draft until approved at next meeting)

Present: Cllr Springs (Chair), Cllr Slater, Cllr Tuffley, Cllr Judge and seven members of the public were in attendance.

Updates and questions presented by members of the Public:

  • A resident brought to the attention of the Council that the Footpath sign on Chapman’s lane is missing. The resident has reported it missing but it has yet to be replaced.

  • A resident asked the Council where conservation area is and what can or can’t be done in the area. The Council resolved to add a map of the Conservation Area and the rules to the Parish Council website.

  • A resident asked the Council regarding the works on North Hills track why the Parish Council never attended to view the works being carried out, especially as work that was not requested has been carried out and what is the Parish Council going to do about it?

024/001 To appoint the Chair of the Parish Council

  • Cllr Tuffley proposed Cllr Judge to be Chair of Brill Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously approved with Cllr Springs abstaining

  • The Parish Council expressed its thanks to Cllr Springs for her hard work and dedication as Chair of the Parish Council during 2023/24

024/002 To appoint the Vice-Chair of the Parish Council

  • Cllr Judge proposed Cllr Tuffley as Vice-Chair of Brill Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously approved

024/003 To receive apologies for absence.

No apologies were received from members

024/004 To receive any declarations of interest.

No Interests were declared by Members

024/005 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2024.

Cllr Tuffley proposed accepting the minutes as a true record the meeting, seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously approved

024/006 To approve the Council’s Standing Orders

The Council resolved to approve and adopt the Council’s Standing Orders.

024/007 To approve the Council’s Financial Regulations

The Council resolved to approve and adopt the Council’s Financial Regulations

024/008 To Review the Council’s Asset Register

.The Council reviewed and confirmed the Council’s Asset Register is complete and up to date

024/009 Finance

  • The Councillors received the monthly finance spreadsheet

  • The Council reviewed and approved the annual accounts including receipts & payments account and bank reconciliation for the year ended 31st March 2024

  • The Council reviewed and approved the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

  • The Council reviewed and approved the Accounting Statements in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24

023/010 Planning applications

Applications for review

Planning Ref 24/01117/APP
18 South Hills Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RR
Householder application for two storey side extension. Demolition of existing conservatory and partial rebuild of existing single storey side extension. First floor front protrusion
PC Comments

Planning Ref 24/01163/ALB
14 The Square Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RP
Listed building application for repairs and internal alterations including the replacement of 2no. first floor rear windows, infilling of open section of party wall in roof space, addition of new first floor partition to form new bedroom and removal of a section of ground floor wall to form larger opening between kitchen and dining area, and installation of a new wood burning stove in existing fireplace
PC Comments

Planning Ref 24/01383/APP
Land West Of Ludgershall Road Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9TZ
Conversion and alteration of barn to form residential dwelling with ancillary amenity area
PC Comments Neutral

024/011 Communications Database

To review the recent communications 

  • The Clerk to contact Aspire and request the contact the grass areas in Harris Close and the Donkey Field.

  • The Council approved the request to use the Common for Orienteering on 9 July 2024.

  • The Council confirmed that the request to cut the hedge back on South Hills could not be approved at this time as it is illegal to cut the hedge back during the growing season. The Council did however approve the request following the end of the growing season.

  • Write to resident to raise concern about the fence and needing repair.

  • Cllr Springs feedback from a meeting with … The Council had no objection for… to carry out their work.

  • Request for funding to print additional signage for directions in the village. The Council suggested observing how long the current sign would last and then review the situation.

024/012 Village Green

To consider the request from a resident to restore their path across part of the Village Green. The Parish Council resolved to agree to the residents request with the stipulation that the path must be repaired with like for like material and width.

024/013 Hartwell’s Barn Project

To receive an update on the Hartwell’s Barn Project

  • The Council encouraged all members of the public who are interested in receiving an update on the Hartwell’s Barn project to attend the Brill Society AGM on 29 May 7pm at Brill Sports & Social Club 

024/014 King George V Field update

To receive an update on the King George V Field

  • MUGA Tennis net: Cllr Tuffley brought a concern from users of the MUGA for tennis and the difficulty in erecting the tennis net. The Council resolved to not purchase any new equipment for the MUGA at this time but will continue to monitor the situation.

024/015 Trees in the Play Area

To review the intention of residents to remove the trees backing on their fence.

  • The Council resolved to object to the residents intention to remove the trees in the Play Area as these trees are currently on Parish Council owned land. 

024/016 The Common 

To receive an update on the Common including:

  • Statement for Cllr Slater on the Encroachment on North Hills (Appendix A)

  • Re-laid track on North Hills

    • The Council expressed its disappointment that no communication was received to carry out the additional work for drainage and the additional parking space.

    • Cllr Tuffley proposed tightening the Commons Policy including the requirement that type 1 is used for all repairs to tracks on the Common, this was seconded by Cllr Judge and unanimously approved.

    • Cllr Tuffley proposed paying the agreed nominal £250 stating that this was agreed for the repair of the potholes on North Hills. 

    • Cllr Tuffley also proposed for the Council to invoke its Encroachment Policy as there has been a concern raised by a member of the public and additional works carried out without prior notification or agreement. These proposals were seconded by Cllr Judge, Cllr Slater abstained with Cllr Springs opposing.

  • Request to re-lay the track on South Hills and Hillbreak

    • Cllr Slater proposed approving the work requested at the lower end of North Hills and the proposed work on South Hills. Cllr Tuffley seconded, and was unanimously approved. 

  • Beating of the Bounds

    • The Council resolved to hold the Beating of the Bounds at 1pm on 30 June 2024.

  • Dead bees on the common 

    • Following a number of bees being found dead on the Common, Cllr Slater asked that it be reminded that all forms of pesticides are prohibited and forbidden to be used on the Common.

  • Update on the Ranger

    • Cllr Salter updated that the application has been submitted for funding for a 5 year Common and Wildlife conservation Ranger and three interpretation boards. The total amount requested is  £105,815.76. Cllr Slater confirmed that the application was submitted in April and can take up to three months before confirmation is received whether the application was successful or not.

  • Rights of Way 

    • The Council received a request from the village Rights of way Officer for Huw Rowley to strim and clear the Rights of Ways pinch points in the village.

    • The Council resolved to raise this matter at the next BVCAG meeting and to invite the Rights of Way Officer to attend and to feedback to the Council.

024/017 Grass Cutting in the Parish

To receive an update on the meeting with Aspire

  • Cllr Springs updated following her meeting with Aspire. The same areas as 2023 will be left to grow again this year with some minor tweaks. The edge of the Village Green will be cut to allow greater visibility. The Village Green adjacent to the church will be cut in preparation for each village market.

  • It was also confirmed that the Green will be cut in preparation for the Brill Festival in August

024/018 Roads & Traffic

To receive an update on the current projects in the Parish

  • Electric Vehicle Charge Points: Cllr Judge confirmed that the proposal for the charge points has been approved and been put out to tender. The Council agreed to use Wellers Hedley solicitors as recommended by Bucks Council.

  • Cllr Judge confirmed there had been no update regarding the quotes for the renovation of the Memorial Hall Car Park.

  • The brown tourist sign for the Windmill on Temple Street has been added to the schedule for replacement

  • Windmill Street pothole: It was confirmed that the issue was a burst water main which Thames Water refused to accept until Bucks Council had dug up the road. Thames Water have no taken responsibility.

  • Village signs: Bucks Council confirmed that a process has finally been put in place for ordering village signs. The request has been sent through to David Cairney at Bucks Council

  • Bollards outside the Memorial Hall: The bollards were marked but these markings have been washed away and will need to be re-marked.

  • Foliage on Temple Street: The LAT and Cllr Judge have been in contact with the resident following the foliage from their garden covering the children crossing sign with no success

024/019 Parish Council Meeting Frequency Trial

To review the success of the trial to reduce the frequency of Parish Council meetings

    • This item was moved to the July 2024 meeting to be reviewed.

024/020 Brill Hustings Event

To receive an update on the Brill Hustings event scheduled for 9 June 2024

  • Cllr Judge updated the Council on the upcoming Hustings Event. It was agreed for all questions from the public to be sent to the Clerk and shared with Cllr Judge.

  • The Council approved expenses of up to £250 towards refreshments for the event

024/021 Income & Expenditure

April 2024 Income

Bucks Council - Precept £26,666.00

Brill Sports & Social - Mower 50% Invoice £1,354.35

April 2024 Payments

Squarespace - Website Annual Domain £158.40

BVCH - Q4 Payment £765.00

Squarespace - Monthly License payment £6.62

Hannah Hunter - Website maintenance £200.00

J Hope - Play Area Expenses £44.50

PKF Littlejohn - External Audit £1,008.00

BBOWT - Common Consultation (Jan - Mar) £3,276.30

BT - Utilities £89.96

J Tuffley - BWU Expenses £79.13

J Tuffley - Dropbox £1,400.00

R Timms - Bins £105.00

Tim Patrick - Link Pin £9.45

Tim Patrick - Link Pin Assembly £23.75

Tim Patrick - Link Lower Link - Mower £22.10

Tim Patrick - Diesel Oil £39.48

Hannah Hunter - Additional website maintenance £200.00

Hannah Hunter - Website maintenance (Error payment repaid 01/05/2024) £200.00

HMRC - PAYE £43.99

Briants - Fence Panel £137.81

Briants - Fence Fixings £21.53

P Tawn - BWU English Lessons £510.00

R Damerell - Clerk Salary £1,096.37

R Damerell - Printer Ink £11.99

Sparkx Ltd - Street Light repair £601.80

Drax - Street Light £163.44

May 2024 Income

Hannah Hunter – overpayment reimbursement £200.00

May Expenditure 2024

Rt Machinery – Mower Service £3,250.43

Bucks Council - Bins £33.25

Squarespace - Website £6.62

R Timms – Fence repair & Bins £165.00

Appendix A

Common Notes for BPC  meeting on 21st May 2024

“We know from village surveys undertaken by the PC that most people choose to live in Brill because of its beautiful vistas and natural environment. Many people however still cannot see the link between incremental encroachments (e.g a tiny bit extra on a track or laying a tiny bit of hard standing for parking) and the eventual loss of that natural environment for ever. Having beautiful common land on your doorstep is an incredible and rare privilege in this country and we all need to take more of responsibility in protecting it.

  1. The recent work undertaken by Paul Godwin in good faith on the track at the top of North Hills has resulted in the enlargement/creation of a parking space outside Mr Andy Fishers house which has caused some concern. It is unclear to me at this stage whether the hardcore under it was actually laid by Mr Wheeler when he originally laid the track or not. I believe the dispute about whether or not this is an encroachment has come about because I did not walk the track and agree in detail with Mr Godwin in advance of doing the work which had been agreed by the PC. The photos he sent to the PC (on which we based our decision) were of potholes only – there was no mention of extra parking spaces. I take full responsibility for not checking with Mr Godwin in more detail before the work started and for trusting only in photos. It also looks as if some rubble/bricks have been thrown casually onto the common which Mr Godwin describes as drainage channels. There was no mention of rubble or drainage channels in the proposal submitted to the PC. It is true to say that the volunteers working on the Common have worked very hard over the years to prevent the Common from becoming a dumping groud and it is disheartening to see bricks just dumped like that – it may well encourage others to do the same which is exactly what we need to avoid. There is also a question about whether this rubble was put in the correct place for a drainage channel anyway as the water is more likely to run off on the corner further down the track where it is lower. I am very unclear how to move forward on this. One thing I do know is that it is completely unacceptable for any village residents to harass any individuals in connection with this as has been the case to date. 

  2. Regarding another request to repair/make good the track with potholes at the bottom of North Hills outside the Keepings house. I walked the track with the residents and Mr Godwin (who has been asked by the residents to do the work) on Monday 13th May. I am satisfied that the agreed work will not be an encroachment as long as it is carried out in accordance with the photographs taken by me on that day and uploaded for fellow Cllrs on Dropbox. The work will fulfil a genuine need for post and emergency vehicles to turn safely when rain and mud is prevalent as it has been so much lately. The work agreed will use Type 1 to fill pot holes, expose drainage manholes and we agreed 8 drainage channels to the left of the track (walking from Brill to Tramhill). I emphasised that any track laying should be made with respect to the wildflowers coming up at this time of year and that the track laying should follow advice from Natural England to keep grass growing in the middle to maintain it as country track – this grass will grow back naturally when cars drive up the track. 

  3. I also walked the track on South Hills with a resident from 18 South Hills and am satisfied that the request to fill in the potholes with Type 1 and add 3 or 4 drainage channels is reasonable and sensible to ensure safety of residents and emergency vehicles and also to prevent the widening of the track (which would be an encroachment in itself) which is clearly occurring every time a car avoids the potholes by driving up onto the Common on either side. Repairing the track will prevent this happening. I also made sure the new resident was aware of the Common and Walks Policy on the PC Website. Again it was emphasized that the grass must be allowed to grow back in the middle of the track. 

  4. Of more concern is the concrete aggregate that someone (we don’t know who) has laid on the track leading up from South Hills to Colley Close. The PC did NOT give permission to do this. Please could ALL residents of Brill remember that permission must be sought from the Parish Council by residents for ANY track maintenance on Common land. “

Cllr Emi Slater. 21/5/24