June 21st, 2022

Present: Cllr Tuffley (Chair), Cllr Hulme Hunter, Cllr Slater, Cllr Springs, Cllr Judge and 5 members of the public.

022/025 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received for Cllr Keeping

022/026 To receive any declarations of interest.
Cllr Tuffley declared an interest in Planning item 22/01736/APP - 12 Temple Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SX.

022/028 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2022
The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed as a true record of the meeting.

022/029 Planning applications

19 High Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9ST
Certificate of lawfulness for proposed conversion of loft to habitable use
25 June

Touchbridge Farm The Spans Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9UJ
Determination under Class R of Part 3 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (Amended) as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport and highways impacts, noise impacts, contamination risks and flood risks for the change of use of existing agricultural buildings to a flexible use within Storage or Distribution (Use Class B8)
22 June

12 Temple Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9SX
Householder application for single storey rear extension
23 June
No objections

6 Church Street Brill Buckinghamshire HP18 9RT
Cherry tree in private garden has been very badly pruned by previous owner/gardener and an ARB Approved Contractor says there is no chance to change the shape of the tree as it has been too heavily reduced and lacking vitality. Cherry tree has also been planted up against a building belonging to the Allotment and could be causing damage to their structure due to the roots.
29 June
No objections - but the Parish Council suggested the residents may want to consider planting a new tree in place of the removed tree.

022/030 War Memorial Garden
Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed establishing some quotes for tidying and redesigning the war memorial area. This work would be planned for October ready for November. The Parish Council unanimously agreed. 

022/031 Road & Traffic
Cllr Judge thanked Elaine Hassell (Community Board Manager for Haddenham and Waddesdon Partnerships, Policy and Communications) for her advice on options for roads and traffic issues for the village. Cllr Judge will prepare a report on recommendations for discussion by the Council in September. 

Cllr Judge confirmed that Elaine Hassell is currently sourcing the Speed Indicator Devices. The Council will need to purchase the three poles to move the indicators to different venues. Training is provided

Cllr Judge is also sourcing car parking signs. Elaine Hassell has put Cllr Judge in touch with the parking team. Once these have been sourced and the LAT will put these up.

The final area Cllr Judge is focussing on sites for electrical chargers for vehicles.

Cllr Judge will contact Lee Turnham, Bucks Co-ordinator for Community Speedwatch.

022/032 Bench Requests
Cllr Springs updated on the proposed bench policy. The Parish Council agreed to adopt an approved bench which applicants will be required to purchase.

The Parish Council resolved to agree to the outstanding four requests, with the caveat that the bench to be installed will be the approved bench. The Parish Council will meet with the applicant to confirm the exact location. 

022/033 Playground Musical sensory equipment

Cllr Tuffley updated that there have been complaints received from residents over the musical sensory equipment and the noise that they give out. There have been proposals to dull and soften the noise. However, it has been proposed to move the musical equipment to the small copse of trees on the playing field adjacent to the path.

Cllr Hulme Hunter updated that the musical equipment has had a big impact on the mental health of one of the elderly residents in the area and that her quality of life has significantly reduced. The sound can also be seen as a noise nuisance and so it is incumbent of the Parish Council to take action.

Cllr Judge strongly supported Cllr Hulme Hunter that the impact on mental health needs to be a focus for the Parish Council. Cllr Judge also expressed concerns that simply moving the equipment will not resolve the issue.

Cllr Slater proposed contacting other villages and the National Autistic Society to establish if they have been in the same situation and if they have a solution.

Cllr Springs stated her concerns over moving the equipment and the impact this would have on the inclusiveness of the Play Area.

Cllr Hulme Hunter proposed that the equipment is removed from the Play Area and a decision to be made for where this will be re-sited. It was also proposed for the Parish Council take responsibility of replacing the equipment of similar or equal inclusivity.

The proposal was agreed by 4 votes to 1 with Cllr Springs objecting.

022/034 Dropbox
Cllr Judge circulated proposals for a repository of documents which can be stored and shared easily. Cllr Judge proposed signing up for the Dropbox free trial for a month to see how it works. It can then be decided if this new system works. The Council unanimously agreed

022/035 Communications Database
Cllr Hulme Hunter shared the communications database to updated the Cllrs on the current communications to the Parish Council.

022/036 Mobile Cafe
The application for a Mobile Café has changed from the mobile converted horse box to one of three options:

Option 1 - To open Thursday - Sunday, for example, and we keep the van on site for this period, moving it away on a Sunday afternoon and back the following Thursday morning

Option 2 – To sell coffee from inside the windmill, with a percentage of our profits would go towards the maintenance of the windmill.

Option 3 - To use a small, permanent hut-type structure from which to sell the coffee.

It was agreed that it would contravene the Commons Act to have a permanent hut on the Common. It was also agreed to refuse the permission for the option to have the van on the Common Thursday – Sunday.

Cllr Judge recognised the concerns around the timings of the van being on the Common, but before the proposal was dismissed highlighted that the ice cream van is accepted and the Parish Council could consider if a similar arrangement might be made for the coffee van. However, it was confirmed that in principle the ice cream van is on the highway and therefore not on Parish Council land.

Cllr Slater stated concerns following conversations with residents over the impact the mobile café would have on the current businesses. 

Cllr Springs raised concerns over the ecological aspects. There were also concerns over waste.

Cllr Hulme Hunter stated that she is broadly in favour of the proposal but not having the van on the Common between Thursday – Sunday. 

A resident raised his primary concern that it is not in keeping with the area and that this would potentially have a damaging impact on the view of the area.

The secondary concern is the potential damaging impact this might have on the businesses in the village. The other aspects are a concern over the toileting facilities, concern over the theft of the vehicle and what contribution will this make to the village. The resident also asked who would provide the trading license. This was confirmed to be Bucks Council.

It was agreed that none of the options outlined were suitable for The Common and so on the current basis the request was refused. 

022/037 Playing Field Request
The Parish Council Resolved to place the item onto the next Agenda to wait and see if a response is received from Brill School. 

022/038 Audit

  1. To receive the Internal Auditors report – This was delayed to the next meeting*

  2. To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 - This was delayed to the next meeting

  3. To approve and sign the Accounting Statements in the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 - This was delayed to the next meeting

022/024 Receipts and Payments

June Payments

Aspire – Grass Cutting £528.00
R Damerell £535.60
HMRC £126.40
BBOWT – Work on Common Mgmnt £2,422.32
BT £57.76
Bucks Council – Bin collection £27.40
BVCH – Quarterly HLS £600.00
Sarah Frewin – Garages £50.00
Rob Timms – Bins £100.00
Discovery £41,666.40

June Receipts

Interest £12.24