Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Brill Parish Council
July 6th 2023, 7.45pm in Brill Memorial Hall
This meeting was called to discuss and vote on the this proposal: Should Brill Parish Council register Hartwell’s Barn and Saunder’s Field (HB and SF) as an Asset of Community Value (ACV)?
Definition of Asset of Community
A building or other land is an asset of community value if its main use has recently been or is presently used to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community and could do so in the future. The Localism Act states that ‘social interests’ include cultural, recreational and sporting interests.
Cllr Hannah Hulme Hunter, Cllr Liz Springs (Chair Person), Cllr Trent Baker, Cllr Jennifer Tuffley (MInutes)
Lisa Kent, Emi Slater, Steven Judge and Bobs Damerell (Clerk).
Trent acknowledged Elaine Hassell, Bucks Council, Andy Fisher from Brill Society, and Liz Springs’ input with regards to funding options.
Trent summed up funding options
Community Ownership Fund – Grant from government up to £250,000 – you need to match fund 20%, so in our case it is likely to be £30,000.
Community Benefit Society (CBS) – A social enterprise for the benefit of the community. Sell shares in ownership.
Plunkett Foundation (help to run a successful community-owned ‘business’).
FCC Community Action Fund (grants for amenity projects)
Rothschild Foundation (grants)
Private Donations
Public Works Loan (fixed interest rate – against parish council income: precept). Unless a profit, no need to pay loan back.
Liz highlighted that we may need more than cost price to account for legal fees plus extra for ancillary costs (any works on it in the future e.g. toilet facility).
Liz outlined Oakley’s path to acquiring the Chandos pub; a loan and then Community Benefit Society (community members buy one share and gain one vote in the society, regardless of how many shares an individual purchases). PC could be part of this and buy a share. It would have a steering group, rather than managed by the parish council, or any one community/charity group.
Trent outlined that the groups involved (BEG, Fat Daddies, Brill Society) had always expected the building and field to be part of the community, so would support the purchase of this by the Parish Council.
Bucks Council guidance is to consider registering the building and field as an Asset of Community Value. Registering an ACV gives the parish council the right to bid to purchase at market value and is the gateway to funding, so prudent to take this step.
We will be transparent with the community about spending public money - the costs/what it means/where the money comes from/how much it will be in total – long-term.
Hannah emphasised that the parish council must make sure there is strong public support in the village for this area to continue to be a community asset into the long term. She also fed back the Clerk Bob Damerell’s advice that we proceed with caution in terms of deciding how we fund this; we need to make sure we have the community on board. This issue will be part of the wider picture, consulted on and agreed with Brill residents.
Jennifer stated that she believed acquiring this asset for the village is something Brill residents would support.
Trent was keen to liaise further with Luke (the seller) on this and be honest about our intentions. All discussed the Croydons and the wish not to frustrate the sale and to maintain a good relationship with them and work with them to make this happen.
Jennifer proposed “that we register Hartwell’s Barn and Saunder’s Field as an Asset of Community Value” and Liz seconded the motion. All present voted unanimously in favour.*
Trent to call Luke and discuss our intentions.
Jennifer to prepare the ACV paperwork, possibly with help from community groups involved.
Meeting closed at 20:55.
After Trent discussed this decision with Luke and further discussion during a non-public Brill Parish Council Working Together meeting on July 17th 2023, it was decided not to pursue the Asset of Community Value registration.