Brill Common & Village Green Advisory Group Meeting Report
september 18th 2023

In attendance: Alex Cruickshank - BBOWT (AC), Elaine Dickinson – The Walks Committee (ED), Emi Slater – Brill Parish Council (ES), Liz Springs – Brill Parish Council (LS), Pat Stone - BVCH (PS), Roger Stone – Friends of Brill Common (RS), Dave Munson – Common Volunteers (DM), Tim Patrick (TP), Christine Bailey - BVCH (CB), John Cable - The Walks Committee (JC), Bobs Damerall – Parish Clerk (BD) Guests: Andy Fisher - The Brill Society (AF) – invited by ES Minutes taken by Bobs Damerall – Parish Clerk.

The Walks Management this summer

Management & Nettles

    • ES stated a recognition that there has been a bit of a mess this summer due to a number of factors .The focus is the future and what to do next.

    • ED confirmed that very little management had taken place on The Walks over the Spring / Summer. Thanks were noted to Tim Patrick for his work on the Walks and work from the Common Volunteers. 

    • ED provided an update on Jon Vaile’s commitment. JV is completely committed to mowing The Walks. The mower is currently broken, but to what extent is yet to be determined, but the head gasket is definitely broken. The nettles need to be cut on a regular basis e.g. every 6-8 weeks, to which the group was in agreement. It was also agreed for certain areas where the nettles should be left. 

    • ED confirmed the plan would be to cut the nettles 3-4 times over the period April – September every year. 

    • DM stated that the current length of the nettles will require them to be cleared once they have been cut. This wouldn’t be a problem if the nettles are cut on a regular basis.

    • It was agreed to obtain a quote for a one off cut and collect of the nettles off the walks from Aspire.

    • It was also agreed for ED to arrange a meeting with JV and the Parish Council to have a clear schedule in January or February in preparation for the summer. This is to be actioned by ED. 

    • It was agreed to continue with the use of sheep on the Walks to continue grazing the grass. AC to send through a copy of a grazing license for signing for the sheep.

    • DM stated the original vision for The Walks was to stop the land from being developed. It was registered as a Village Green and led to the increase of green space within the village.


    • TP was concerned about the cutting of the trees and asked that any contracted work needed to have a clear specification to stop any destruction of species. It was agreed that TP would be Cc’d into any tree surgery work undertaken by the PC if practical. 

    • LS asked about the locations for the benches in The Walks and who determined this. ED confirmed that this should officially be a decision for the PC.

Warden/Scrub Clearance/ Ragwort Management


    • ES confirmed that she would like to ask the PC for permission for an advert job description for a 1 day a week warden to see what pool of applicants come forward. Following advice from AC it was confirmed the salary would be approximately £5,000 per year. 

    • JC expressed concern that at 1 day a week it might be difficult to find the right person.

    • PS agreed and also added that it was a nice idea to have a warden, but the warden would have to be take part in the work as well as organising.

    • ES made it clear that there is commitment from the PC to run The Common more professionally long term. We cannot rely on volunteers for ever. 

Ragwort clearance 

    • ES expressed thanks on behalf of the group and the Parish Council to all the volunteers for their time in removing the ragwort.

    • RS raised concern over the number of volunteers coming to help. The ragwort has continued for an extended period this year and is becoming more difficult to clear with dwindling numbers of volunteers.

    • PS also stated there is also concern over the increase in volume of sycamore this year which is also a poison for the cows.

    • It was agreed for ES to ask the Council for permission to get a quote for the removal and disposal of the ragwort.

Winter Schedule

    • S4 (North Hills) - Spray markers are required on the trees.

    • AC – confirmed that the coppicing of the Hawthorn will create a reduction in the density of the scrub.

    • It was agreed as regards to hedging to follow the conservation method by cutting and laying the hedging.

    • RS expressed concern over the Himalayan Balsam which is also growing in larger numbers, but confirmed that the FOBC had agreed that the ragwort is the most important weed to remove over Himalayan balsam

    • 3I - S16 (Sycamores) – It was agreed to put the quote from Oxford Tree Services before the Parish Council for the clearance of the Sycamores. The quote for the removal was £650.00. This would be to cut down, chip and remove the brash and remove and leave the wood in situ.

    • 3G – S40: DM asked why the walnut needed to be removed?

    • AC confirmed that as it is a self-seeded tree on the Common it should be removed.

    • DM stated that the Common Volunteers would carry out the work for: 3c, 3d, 3e/f, 3h on the Winter Schedule.

    • RS confirmed that FOBC agreed to carry out the work for: 3a, 3b, 3g on the Winter Schedule

    • 5a/b on Winter Schedule – it was agreed PC would pay contractor to cut and collect. Pat Stone to organise. Need code for bollards 

Span Green

    • It was agreed to cut the hedge back to the ditch at the entrance to Span Green 5 a/b. 

    • PS confirmed that a contractor had agreed to remove the tree for no cost but in exchange for keeping the wood. All agreed.

    • PC in contact with landowner to solve drainage run off issue. BD to action.


    • TP to send new information regarding encroachment on The Walks to the Clerk to disseminate to the Cllrs.

    • Easement policy – LS & ES confirmed this is still being worked on by The Parish Council and will be shared when ready.

CSS Agreement

    • ES updated the group that she, AC and the Clerk had met to discuss the future CCS Agreement. Currently the first step that is required is to set up an Association of Commoners in order to fully consult with the Commoners on the suggested plans for the agreement. The Parish Council has the original list of Commoners and agreed to work with PS to ensure that the list is up to date with contact details.BD and PS to liase on this.

Proposal for The Brill Society to join the group 

During the meeting a vote was held to decide whether to include The Brill Society as a full member of the Advisory Group. The proposal was neutrally made by AC, with the results as follows: Votes in favour: 2 Votes against: 4. The proposal was therefore denied. AC explained that the Brill Society are only concerned with a small strip of land (the Curtiledge) around the Windmill which is mowed by the Common Volunteers on their behalf anyway. Therefore, in the interests of time, it is not necessary for them to be a full member of the Advisory Group which is made up of volunteers who do the physical work on the Common. Instead TBS will be invited as guests when necessary. 

The meeting concluded at 7:30pm. 

Date of Next Meeting: December 11th, 5pm in Brill Memorial Hall.